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Help break the cycle of homelessness

The challenge we have with talking about homelessness is that people often assume getting someone off the streets is enough. That a person gets a house and all their other issues, which led to their homelessness also magically vanish. The reality is: homelessness is complex. 

Homelessness isn’t just rough sleeping 

It’s precarious housing. It’s losing a job. It’s getting sick. It’s losing a loved one. It’s grieving. It’s addiction. It’s poor mental health. It’s poor physical health. It’s not having a support system in place. It’s often a combination of these that trap people in a cycle of homelessness. 

At Thames Reach we aim to break the cycle. We get people off the streets of London, but importantly, we also address the root causes to prevent people from falling back into rough sleeping. 

Every person is unique

Ricky was an English teacher. John was a pastry chef. Ivo worked at the Savoy hotel. 

These are all people who experienced homelessness and were supported by Thames Reach – but none of their stories are the same. They each had complex needs that required a tailored approach to help them get back on their feet.

We can break the cycle

There is a danger people think homelessness is inevitable, as it’s been such a long-standing issue in our society. But this isn’t true. Homelessness is just a multi-faceted issue that requires a multi-faceted response. 

At Thames Reach that’s exactly what we do. We support people through their entire journey. From providing supported accommodation and helping with basic items such as a microwave or crockery, through to mental health and addiction services. We also help with the essential things that many of us take for granted. Things like access to a mobile phone so people can register with a GP or receive a call about a job interview. Last year we gave tablets to 229 residents in our hostels and supported accommodation to bridge the digital divide. 

Every year we help hundreds of people in London recover from homelessness and break the cycle for good. The road out of homelessness takes time and resources, but we’ve proved it is possible. But we need your help to do it. 

Graham’s story

Graham endured eight years of homelessness due to addiction and mental health challenges. He found solace in a relationship, and moved into a caravan with his partner, offering a brief reprieve from living on the streets. But tragically, Graham’s partner died, leaving him struggling emotionally and financially and eventually forcing him back onto the streets for a further four years. 

Graham was found after taking an overdose in a Tesco car park which prompted intervention from local council services. It was at this point he was referred to us. 

At Thames Reach, Graham found more than just a safe place to stay. He entered a supportive environment tailored to address his complex needs and began his journey to recovery. 

Over the past year, Graham has remained drug-free and has reestablished connections with his family, making significant milestones in his journey towards independent living. Thames Reach will continue to be there for Graham every step of the way. 

“You don’t realise how much support you need until you find yourself here, seeing your life improve in every way.” – Graham

Will you add your name and show your support?

We believe, with the right support, everyone can break free from the cycle of homelessness. We ask you to show your support not just for the first step, but for the entire journey.


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