Our response to the Mayoral Election result

We welcome Mayor Khan’s re-election and look forward to continuing our work with him and the GLA to end homelessness in London by 2030

Our response to the Mayoral Election result

We congratulate Mayor Sadiq Khan on his re-election, and as a leading agency working with people affected by rough sleeping in London, we’re eager to continue working with him in his commitment to end street homelessness in the Capital by 2030.

This is not the first time we have heard promises of this type, but Thames Reach is determined to work with the Mayor and the Greater London Authority (GLA) to ensure that this time it becomes a reality.

The rough sleeping services currently commissioned by the GLA, as well as boroughs across London, have a significant role to play. However, achieving this goal will require more affordable housing coupled with effective support to prevent and help people recover from the trauma of rough sleeping.

Latest CHAIN Quarterly Report reveals persistent high numbers of rough sleeping in London

Persistent rise in individuals deemed to be ‘living on the streets’ underscores the severity of rough sleeping crisis.

Latest CHAIN Quarterly Report reveals persistent high numbers of rough sleeping in London

The latest findings from the Combined Homelessness and Information Network (CHAIN) Quarterly Report for Q4, covering January to March 2024, reveal a concerning trend in rough sleeping numbers in London.

Compiled from data collected by outreach teams across the capital, the report reveals that a total of 4,118 individuals were recorded sleeping rough during this period. While this is a reduction against the previous quarter’s total of 4389,  this marks a significant 33% increase compared to the same period in 2023. Moreover, the number of new rough sleepers recorded during this period was 37% higher than in the previous year.

It is particularly troubling that the number of people deemed to be ‘living on the streets’* has increased by a third, emphasising a troubling trend of people spending longer periods without stable accommodation.

Chantelle Gardner, Project Manager at Thames Reach’s Lambeth Rough Sleeper Outreach Team, expressed concern over the surge. “During the last two quarters, our Living on the Streets (LOS) worker reported a definitive increase in workload and complexity of the individuals they were working with. Substance misuse and systemic barriers to support services have all contributed to this increase”, she stated.

During January to March 2024, there were 511 people recorded as living on the streets, with 68 of them new to rough sleeping in London and remaining on the streets during the period. This compares to 376 people during the same quarter the previous year.

The report also notes a declining proportion of European nationals sleeping rough over the last two quarters compared to the previous ones. This has been accompanied by a surge in people from other nationalities, emphasising the need for a multifaceted approach to tackling homelessness in London.

Thames Reach’s outreach teams are dedicated to addressing the root causes of rough sleeping and providing essential support to individuals living on the streets. Together, we are actively working to define and implement effective measures to address this concerning trend.

For those interested in exploring the full report, it can be accessed here: https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/chain-reports

  • Living on the Streets is defined as: Those who have had a high number of contacts over 3 weeks or more which suggests they are living on the street

Southwark Council sign London Charter to End Rough Sleeping

Southwark Council reaffirmed its commitment to ending rough sleeping, as a senior council figure signed the Charter to End Rough Sleeping.

Southwark Council sign London Charter to End Rough Sleeping

Cllr Helen Dennis, Cabinet Member for New Homes, met with Thames Reach Chief Executive Bill Tidnam as she signed the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping on behalf of Southwark Council. Cllr Kieron Williams, Leader of Southwark Council, was also in attendance.

The Charter, which Thames Reach wholeheartedly supports, aims to unite individuals, businesses, faith groups, charities, and public bodies in the shared mission to eliminate rough sleeping in our city. It represents a public commitment, a pledge to strengthen partnerships, and an opportunity for diverse communities to actively contribute to a solution.

Quotes from those attending


Cllr Helen Dennis, Southwark’s Cabinet Member for New Homes and Sustainable Development, said:

“I’m proud to be here today with Thames Reach to make this incredibly important pledge to end homelessness and rough sleeping in our borough. Rough sleeping is a dangerous, isolating experience and should have no place in a modern, wealthy city. We’re determined to end it in our borough and to work together with our network of partners to support those who are homeless or vulnerable into a safe, secure home.”

Bill Tidnam, Thames Reach Chief Executive, said:

“Local authorities like Southwark are in the forefront of the effort to prevent homelessness, and to make sure that no-one need sleep on the streets.  We recognise that this isn’t always easy in the current environment and we welcome Cllr Dennis’ signing of the Charter and the clear commitment this makes on behalf of the borough to work towards ending rough sleeping.”

The charter

By signing the Charter, individuals, businesses, and organisations make a real impact. It keeps the issue in the spotlight, showing policymakers that many care about ending rough sleeping in London.

Whether you’ve been a committed advocate or are new to the cause, your support goes a long way. Visit the Charter website to sign up, make a pledge, donate, or volunteer. Every small action adds up to the collective effort to end rough sleeping in London.

Royal Greenwich sign London Charter to End Rough Sleeping

The Royal Borough of Greenwich reaffirmed its commitment to ending rough sleeping this week, as senior council figures signed the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping.

Royal Greenwich sign London Charter to End Rough Sleeping

The Royal Borough of Greenwich reaffirmed its commitment to ending rough sleeping this week, as senior council figures signed the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping.

Council Leader, Cllr Anthony Okereke, and Cllr Pat Slattery, Cabinet Member for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Homelessness, met with Thames Reach Chief Executive Bill Tidnam as they signed the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping on behalf of the Royal Borough of Greenwich at Woolwich Town Hall.

The Charter, which Thames Reach wholeheartedly supports, aims to unite individuals, businesses, faith groups, charities, and public bodies in the shared mission to eliminate rough sleeping in our city. It represents a public commitment, a pledge to strengthen partnerships, and an opportunity for diverse communities to actively contribute to a solution.

Quotes from those attending

Bill Tidnam, Thames Reach Chief Executive, said: “Rough sleeping is the most extreme manifestation of the housing crisis in London.  The Royal Borough of Greenwich has a clear commitment to working to end rough sleeping in the borough, with a range of services aimed at prevention, intervention and recovery.  It’s great to see real leadership on this issue from the Leader, Anthony Okereke, and Councillor Pat Slattery, as they join the Mayor in signing the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping.

Cllr Anthony Okereke, Leader of the Council, said: “I am incredibly proud to be able to sign the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping with our Cabinet Member for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Homelessness, on behalf of Royal Greenwich. It is vitally important that we come together with partners and as a community to develop and deliver solutions to end rough sleeping for good and ensure that everyone has a roof over their heads.”

Cllr Pat Slattery, Cabinet Member for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Homelessness, said: “Many people who sleep rough can face fear, loneliness and hunger and we are determined to do everything we can to end it here in Greenwich, which is why the Leader and I are delighted to have signed the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping.

“As a Council we are already at the forefront in London of providing emergency support to rough sleepers during severe cold weather spells and our Housing Inclusion Service works tirelessly to offer much-needed longer-term support – including permanent placements – to help many of them rebuild their lives and stay off the streets permanently”.

The charter

By signing the Charter, individuals, businesses, and organisations make a real impact. It keeps the issue in the spotlight, showing policymakers that many care about ending rough sleeping in London.

Whether you’ve been a committed advocate or are new to the cause, your support goes a long way. Visit the Charter website to sign up, make a pledge, donate, or volunteer. Every small action adds up to the collective effort to end rough sleeping in London.

Support for homelessness recovery with Connect, Home, Aspire (CHA)

Megan is a support worker in the Connect, Home, Aspire (CHA) team, helping people recover from homelessness into suitable and stable accommodation

Support for homelessness recovery with Connect, Home, Aspire (CHA)

Content warning: non-graphic references to domestic violence

Megan is a support worker in the Connect, Home, Aspire (CHA) team, who provide a service for people with a range of support needs. The team help people get into suitable and stable accommodation, acting as a stepping stone between supported and private accommodation. Megan discusses the work she does, a significant part of which is keeping in regular contact with her clients, on the phone and in-person.

“I’ve been in the CHA team since joining Thames Reach in December 2021, when the service first started. I have a caseload of around 22 people I work with, who have been referred to us from other homelessness services in London, as well as other teams at Thames Reach. As a woman, most of the female survivors of domestic violence in the project will be in my caseload; this ensures our support is tailored to the individual’s past trauma.

“When I have been assigned a referral, I make contact by phone initially and then will often meet them in-person. It’s important to speak to people face-to-face for initial assessments, so we can cater to what they actually need, and understand their journey. We see people in a range of situations, and no two people are the same. If someone is currently rough sleeping, I will move my schedule around to prioritise them urgently.

“We work with a partner housing association, Cromwood, to house people in long-term, sustainable accommodation. We often have to advocate for people who are referred to us, and build the trust on both sides, once we are certain that the new flat being offered is the best option. Once an offer has been made, we meet with the housing officer and the new tenant at the property to sign the contract and pick up keys.

“It is at this point that our support packages really vary; although in CHA the people we work with have medium-to-high needs, this can vary between weekly to biweekly check-ins, potentially being less frequent as time goes on. In subsequent appointments we will work together to help them with a range of things including registering with a GP, setting up and accompanying them to appointments if necessary, and applying for grants and benefits.

“Promoting independence is essential in what we do, which can include establishing links to new and existing communities, and re-establishing links with family and friends.

“Connect, Home, Aspire is a pan-London service, and we get referrals from a wide range of places, so it is important that I schedule my time so I am spending as little time travelling as possible, visiting my clients who are local to each other in the same day. We play an active role in ensuring people are comfortable in their new accommodation and are integrating well into their daily life; we sometimes attend appointments at GPs, hospitals, courts and food banks with individuals so they feel represented and can build confidence in living more independently, after traumatic periods of their lives.”

Ealing Move-On Team compete in Tough Mudder

Thames Reach’s Move-On team based in Ealing competed in the Tough Mudder challenge to raise money for people affected by digital exclusion

Ealing Move-On Team compete in Tough Mudder

Over the weekend, members of the Ealing Move-On team competed in the famous Tough Mudder, in order to raise funds for the people they work with facing digital exclusion. Diana, a senior practitioner in the team, discussed how the day went:

“The team got together at the start of the day, excited and nervous for the task ahead.

“We kept doing fundraising calls until the last minute! We have received great support form our colleagues at Thames Reach, friends, family, colleagues from partner organisations and the local authority.

“Once we reached the grounds, it got real, there was no way back, we all started feeling the energy and enthusiasm of the event; all our belongings were dropped off, including phones. Then it was only us, together as a team, warming up on the starting line.

“One by one, the barbed wire, the muddy slopes, the running on the mud, the jumping of fences, the frozen, icy waters and rope pyramids, the electric obstacles, united us together as a team.  It tested phobias, fears and most importantly it showed us that we could conquer it all, working together, supporting each other through hard times. The experience reminded us that we were doing this for the people we work with, who face so many difficulties, inequalities, and loneliness.

“We finished all muddy, soaking wet and very proud for the conquering of 5K Tough Mudder.

“We were so tired afterwards, and struggled to find a ride to the nearest station, until a miracle happened and we managed to get a taxi. Instead of taking payment for carrying our muddy selves, he asked to donate the price of the fare to the fundraising page. This man warmed our hearts with an act of kindness and selflessness, which is needed in these testing times, and was a heartwarming and hopeful end to such an amazing day.”

Well done to the team for completing the muddy challenge: Jernel, Winston, Marie, Diana, Sylvia and Ishmael.

If you would like to donate, head to their JustGiving page.

If you have been inspired to fundraise for Thames Reach’s work ending street homelessness, please visit our fundraising page.

Pioneering outreach: The legacy of London Street Rescue

Area Manager, Michael Murray, looks at the legacy of London Street Rescue and future provisions for street outreach in London

Pioneering outreach: The legacy of London Street Rescue

As a pioneering model of street outreach, the London Street Rescue (LSR) service will finish at the end of September, as the service has highlighted the demand for localised services to support people who are sleeping rough. Michael Murray, Area Manager, talks us through how the service worked, and discusses its legacy.

How London Street Rescue works

“London Street Rescue was commissioned by the Greater London Authority (GLA) to provide a pan-London outreach response, mainly to outer London boroughs, where there may be less resources available for people sleeping rough. Many of the areas we worked in didn’t have things like emergency accommodation, hostels, day centres and other key services, so staff had to be creative and often work independently, across multiple boroughs. Each of the five boroughs we now work in has one dedicated lead worker to ensure we can be more structured and efficient in our approach.

“We provide initial support by assessing someone for any local connection and needs, before doing everything needed to successfully end their rough sleeping, including: referring to suitable accommodation, obtaining ID documents to help them move on, supporting with welfare benefits, accessing health services and signposting for immigration support. As we are a response service to rough sleeping, we close a case once they have successfully moved off the street, and we ensure they have secured ongoing support elsewhere.”

How LSR have shaped the vision of ending rough sleeping

“Since the Rapid Response Outreach Team was commissioned, as part of a funding drive by central government to end rough sleeping by 2025, LSR have solely focussed on working with those living on the street.  Many of the boroughs we used to work in were successful in receiving bids to fund their own outreach response, many of them now delivered by Thames Rreach oureach teams. ”

The future of outreach after LSR

“LSR has had a reputation as one of the leading outreach teams in London for many years and the service has seen many changes. I think the support available for rough sleeping in London has never been better and this is why we’re in a position where London no longer requires a service like LSR.  There is still a lot of work to be done and the environment is ever-changing, which could bring new challenges.  Most boroughs now have the resources to provide their own dedicated response. The four boroughs we support in South-East London decided to make a joint bid for an outreach team and were successful.  The GLA are keen for there to be no gap in service provision after LSR formally ends, so it has been agreed that Thames Reach will deliver the new south-east outreach team, due to start on 1 October.  

Bill Tidnam, Chief Executive at Thames Reach, also reflects on its legacy:

“The key legacy of of LSR is that it delivered outreach across London to boroughs that didn’t have their own outreach teams, and by doing so identified the demand that led to boroughs commissioning their own services and understanding the responsibility for rough sleeping, and providing solutions on a local level. Supported by central government funding, this has been a key part of the improvement in the response to people sleeping rough over the last three years.”

Thames Reach responds to new CHAIN rough sleeping figures

As new annual CHAIN stats for 2019/2020 show an increase in numbers of people rough sleeping, Thames Reach outline why numbers have risen

Thames Reach responds to new CHAIN rough sleeping figures

Each year, statistics on the number of people seen sleeping in London are published by CHAIN (Combined Homelessness And Information Network). Today, 9 September, annual figures covering the period from April 2019 to March 2020 have been released, and Thames Reach are disappointed to see an increase in numbers of people sleeping rough. However, it is worth noting that a number of factors, including increased outreach work and regular street counts, are likely to have inflated these numbers. So, while the figures are high and should be of concern, they are not directly comparable with previous years’ figures.

To breakdown the report: with over 10,000 people spotted as sleeping rough on the capital’s streets, this is a 21% increase on numbers from the previous year; however 60% of these people were seen rough sleeping just once, meaning that suitable solutions were found immediately for the majority of people spotted by outreach teams. Over 7,000 people were found sleeping rough for the first time in just one year. The disproportionate number of people from Central and Eastern European countries sleeping rough reflects the limited options available to this group and continues to be a concern, now making up 30% of the total. Numbers of people with mental health and substance support needs have remained the same at 47% and 39% respectively; at Thames Reach we are committed to ensuring that homeless people gain access to the healthcare they need, and work in close collaboration with health services to call into question the stigmatisation homeless people face regarding their wellbeing.

Looking beyond these figures and focusing more closely on the past six months, we are now seeing more people on the streets as a result of the pandemic. Many of these people are new to rough sleeping and it is important that we are able to intervene early and get them off the streets before this becomes a way of life.  A key part of a successful intervention is sourcing an initial place of safety and providing a quick assessment of options. This is usually done through the No Second Night Out hubs, but the high level of shared facilities means that they have not been open since March due to social distancing requirements. While this is understandable, without this crucial point of help there is a real danger that people who are new to rough sleeping aren’t able to get off the streets quickly and become entrenched in their homelessness.  While we recognise that running shared assessment space is challenging in the current environment, it is crucial that we are able to adapt and intervene quickly as soon as someone ends up on the streets.

Check out our website in the coming weeks to see how Thames Reach are helping people experiencing, and at risk of, homelessness. Through prevention, response and recovery support, we are helping people find decent homes, build supportive relationships and lead fulfilling lives in these most challenging times.

World’s Big Sleep Out a huge success

Thames Reach were one of the beneficiary charities of London’s World’s Big Sleep Out event on 7 December. The event was a great moment of solidarity in the movement to end homelessness

World’s Big Sleep Out a huge success

On Saturday 7th December, over 2,000 people slept out in Trafalgar Square for the World’s Big Sleep Out. Thames Reach were one of the chosen beneficiary charities of the London branch of the global event, which raised money and awareness with the goal of ending homelessness around the world.

It was an inspirational night for all involved, with people sharing Thames Reach’s mission of ending street homelessness coming together to show their commitment to the cause. The weather on the night was cold but dry up until the middle of the night, where it began to rain heavily, giving the 2,000 fundraisers insight into one aspect of life on the streets in winter.

Aside from sleeping out, fundraisers were treated to a concert, compered by comedian Steven K. Amos, with music from a great lineup including Travis, Rag N Bone Man, Tom Walker and Jake Bugg, with a bedtime story read by Dame Helen Mirren.

Our Chief Executive, Bill Tidnam, also took to the stage to represent Thames Reach and introduce our work to the crowd. He then introduced the next act: Thames Reach clients in partnership with the National Theatre’s Public Acts initiative, who performed a moving rendition of ‘My Own Way Home’, a song from their 2018 production of Pericles. You can read about the project here.

Thames Reach are proud to have been involved in the event; highlighting the reality of homelessness to the public and government is incredibly important to us. We were there ourselves in the Charities Tent, ready to chat with anyone who wanted to know more about our work, and those who couldn’t sleep on Saturday night, to remind them about the vital work their fundraising will support.

Thank you to all who were involved, donated and slept out on 7 December. Watch this space for more information on the World’s Big Sleep Out legacy, and how it will support our various projects including the Hard to Reach Fund.

Thames Reach joins ‘End Homelessness Now’ campaign

Homelessness charities are calling on every political party to #EndHomelessness, and to publish a plan setting out how they’ll do this within the first year of government.

Thames Reach joins ‘End Homelessness Now’ campaign

In our society, we should all have a safe place to call home. But rising living costs and low-paid, unstable jobs put constant pressure on us, like water pressing against a dam. Without help, the dam can break, forcing people into homelessness.

But homelessness is not inevitable. In England by the late 2000s we’d nearly ended rough sleeping, and many countries and cities around the world have ended some forms of homelessness.

The next Government has the power to make sure that everybody in our society has a safe and stable home, by putting in place a plan that commits to:

Improving access to truly affordable housing, by building at least 90,000 social homes a year over the next five years, and improving security for tenants in the private rented sector 
– Strengthening support through the welfare system, through housing benefit that covers the cost of rent and fixing Universal Credit so that it doesn’t push people into homelessness  
Providing long-term, guaranteed funding for services which prevent homelessness and quickly get people off the street and into a stable home.  

If nothing changes, thousands more of us will be pushed into homelessness. This General Election we’re calling on every political party to #EndHomelessness, and to publish a plan setting out how they’ll do this within the first year of government. 

End Homelessness Now is a collaborative campaign between various homelessness charities and organisations working to end homelessness. Visit the official website: endhomelessnessnow.org.uk