Literacy support
Poor literacy is a real barrier to an independent and fulfilling life.
Homeless and socially excluded people have to cope with many obstacles that hold them back and sap their confidence. For many people supported by Thames Reach, poor literacy is a real barrier to an independent and fulfilling life.
To help people tackle the seemingly overwhelming task of gaining those vital literacy skills, Thames Reach runs a number of programmes that are sensitive to the service users’ struggles and make a practical difference to their daily lives.
One-to-One Literacy
A group of experienced volunteers with teaching qualifications focuses on tailored one-to-one support to service users with poor reading and writing skills. The teaching sessions, delivered over an eight-week period, are informal, but structured to meet the particular needs of the individual. Specialist dyslexia support is also available.
Sessions take place at Thames Reach’s Hudson House in Stockwell and the Employment Academy in Camberwell, and referrals are made by the Employment and Skills team.
Reading Group
Every week, people get together in a friendly and relaxed setting to read short stories and poetry together and engage in conversation about it. Led by a Thames Reach staff member, the group offers the opportunity for people to read aloud, make new friends, develop social skills and improve their confidence.
The reading group is open to the public and meets every Friday 10:30am-12pm at the Employment Academy.