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Hounslow Reach

Hounslow Reach helps borough residents with their support needs so that they can live more independently

Hounslow Reach provides advice and support to people in the London Borough of Hounslow.

The service supports Hounslow residents, aged 18 and over, who may have needs such as mental or physical health needs, or learning disabilities.

The service helps people to:

– maintain their accommodation
– develop skills, such as budgeting
– enhance their confidence
– improve their physical and mental wellbeing
– build links in their local community
– live a more fulfilling and independent life

To find out more, or to refer yourself or someone you know, please call 0203 664 9551.

To find out more via email, please contact:

Completed referrals should be emailed to:

For more information on how you can access support in local community locations, please visit the London Borough of Hounslow website.

Read about other Thames Reach prevention services